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5232 Apennines Circle, San Jose, CA 95138

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How it Started

Justin & "You Matter"

In 2018, Justin found a social media influencer, Demetrius Harmon, that was a huge advocate of mental health awareness, and he loved the concept behind this influencer’s “You Matter” brand – a brand that advocates for being there for one another and letting others know you care about them. 

In 2019, Justin purchased “You Matter” hoodies for himself and his friends who he felt needed them the most.  In a letter to one of his friends, he wrote, “I know you also have your own issues at times so whenever you need any support just put on this hoodie and remember that you matter to me and other people and that even when you are feeling low, you need to remember that you are strong and have persevered through so much.”  This outreach serves as a strong testament to Justin’s embodiment of the “You Matter” concept.  

After Justin’s death, his best friend, Ryan Shaw, wrote a letter to Demetrius, founder of the You Matter brand, describing its impact on Justin (letter below).

In October 2023, at a Shopify You Matter pop-up event in NYC, John, DeDe, and Ryan had the opportunity to meet Demetrius and further share Justin’s story.  He actually remembered receiving the letter from Ryan Shaw.  Demetrius was very affected by the You Matter impact on Justin’s life and proudly wore Justin’s wristband promoting the Live Like Justin and You Matter concepts.



Letter from Ryan Shaw (Friend)

Dear Demetrius,

My name is Ryan Shaw and I wanted to reach out and tell you the story of my best friend, Justin Ebner.  Justin was a gentle giant standing tall with his 6’7” frame.  He loved playing volleyball, watching anime and was a third-year student at Santa Clara University.  Just was a person anyone could talk to.  He took you and your burdens seriously and through his many years of listening and understanding, he gave kind and powerful advice.

I have known Justin for a long time, and he was never the type to buy into fashion or new clothes.  I can still picture the four total jackets he wore all through high school and remember how defensive he got about purchasing new additions to his wardrobe.  Therefore, when I came home from school for winter break last year (2019), I was shocked to see he had bought not one, but two You Matter hoodies!

When I asked him about it, he explained to me your brand and the message behind it.  Justin faced his own mental health obstacles and his connection to your brand was genuine.  It was right up his alley; caring about others, reaching out and being someone, others could use for support and guidance.  Justin was always putting himself second and make sure that you knew you mattered.

After Justin told me about you, I went online and watched your TedTalk and other events you had spoken at.  I see a lot of the same mannerisms and personality I knew in Justin, in you.  It is heartwarming to be able to begin to understand his connection towards you and what you stand for; to see the parallels of how your anxieties pushed you both to work harder to let those around you know that they matter.  With the uncertainty of life, you both strive to be more present in your own lives:  this is how Justin approached every day and every person he met.  It made sense why he broke his clothing habits and bought not one, but two You Matter hoodies just so he could wear them more often?

Sadly, Justin passed away on November 10th of this year (2021) in a tragic accident.  As his close friend, I have been with and around his family for the last few weeks, and they have heard the story and now understand the significance of the You Matter community.  They have decided to bury Justin with one of his favorite You Matter hoodies.

I wanted to reach out and first and foremost thank you and your brand for being a beacon of light for those who struggle against their own darkness.  As Justin’s friend, I thank you for being one of those pillars of conviction for him.  Secondly, as his family and I continue to mourn, I wanted to give them a gift of You Matter hoodies just like the ones Justin wore.  Not only as a memorial to his memory, but also a reminder to live our lives like Justin and make sure those around us know that they matter.  I went to go buy a few for them; however, it seems that your brand is wildly popular and sells out almost immediately.  I am asking if there is a way for me to get access or confirm with you a few You Matter hoodies for his parents, brother, and myself to wear for Justin.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  It means a lot to me just to have you see this story and understand the impact you have on those you reach.


Ryan Shaw
